Following the Prime Minister’s speech on Wednesday, Rebecca Armstrong, Managing Director of Making Energy Greener, commented:

“Listening to the prime minister’s speech yesterday, it was disheartening to witness u-turns in policies that were initially aimed at promoting sustainable living and reducing our carbon footprint. As CEO of a retrofit install company, these changes hit particularly close to home, affecting both my industry and the communities we serve.

“The extension of MEES to 2035 only serves to relieve slum landlords from the urgent need to retrofit their properties, thereby perpetuating the issues of unaffordability and unhealthiness for tenants. If the government is serious about tackling fuel poverty and reducing carbon emissions, then delaying mandatory energy efficiency improvements is a step in the wrong direction.

“Furthermore, the reversal in the stance on gas heating systems is perplexing. At a time when the focus should be on implementing renewable energy solutions, the promotion of gas boilers seems counterintuitive. This will undoubtedly appeal to those resistant to change and further the false narrative that our abundant gas reserves eliminate the need for renewable energy.

“What’s concerning is the message these u-turns send to the public: that it’s okay to maintain our current, unsustainable lifestyles as long as we find alternative ways to power them. Whether it’s blue hydrogen or nuclear energy, these are not holistic solutions but rather stop-gap measures that ignore the root cause—our wasteful, all-consuming habits.

“If Britain is to truly contribute to global sustainability, we need policies that are consistent, long-term, and most importantly, focused on making systemic changes. It’s time we challenge the status quo, not revert to it.

“The moment for an authentic government approach is now—because the cost of these policy u-turns is not just financial, but environmental, and it’s a debt our future generations can’t afford.”

Making Energy Greener is an award-winning retrofit business based in the North West which is leading the green future of homes across the UK, addressing fuel poverty, climate change, reducing carbon through energy saving solutions, and the ongoing energy bills crisis.