Honest, unbiased and thorough – that’s the view of a new 76-page guide that explains the pros and cons of energy management solutions for domestic, commercial and industrial locations.

Electrical contractors have been snapping up the new Marshall-Tufflex Guide to Energy Management, which explains how voltage optimisation, sub-metering, power factor correction and boiler management systems work. A chapter is dedicated to each technology, taking contractors through the science behind each approach, potential savings, how and why they work and, importantly, situations where they may not be suitable.

“We want this guide to become the definitive reference for electrical contractors, energy managers and electrical wholesalers,” said Paul Hetherington, Marshall-Tufflex chief executive. “We really wanted to make a stand against misinformation and confusion in this market sector and produce a document that lays out relevant and unbiased information in simple, clear language. We see it as our responsibility to educate the market even though all players within it may benefit. This guide, together with our new E-PRO Approved scheme for energy management installers, really professionalises the industry and gives clear, concise guidance without manufacturer spin.”

One contractor commented: “This guide brings together really good technical information in an easy-to-read format with lots of images, graphs and diagrams. The voltage optimisation chapter is really good, explaining exactly what it is, different types of transformers, load dynamics, CE marking etc. The table showing industrial sectors, type of equipment and savings achievable is particularly useful. It’s all stuff I know about but it’s helpful when speaking with clients; the guide reinforces what I’m saying and explains to customers how VO works and what it can achieve. I encourage clients to download it to learn more about their chosen solution, for example VO, and hope that they may also get interested in other systems.” 

At the end of each chapter is information about Marshall-Tufflex solutions, including product comparison tables, case studies and specification tables.

The Marshall-Tufflex Guide to Energy is being distributed through electrical wholesalers nationwide and issued direct to E-PRO Approved contractors.